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Monday, August 17, 2020

Your phone's storage is also full soon, these tricks will work

 Your phone's storage is also full soon, these tricks will work

Storage problems have become very common in our phones. All our phones have problems with storage. This often happens when we have to click a photo and the phone's storage is full. Because the storage is full, many important photos are left to click. Apart from this many apps cannot be downloaded due to low storage. In this case, if you want to get rid of this problem, then you can try some important tips.

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Increase phone storage using these tips

To increase the space in the phone, go to settings and clear the catch. In addition, storage can be increased by deleting non-working applications.

If the phone has more data, then transfer it to a computer or laptop. This will also keep your data safe and free up space in the phone.

Most of the time, we also download the files that are attached to the email, which will make more use of our phone's storage. If this file is not useful, delete it.

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Even after deleting the application, delete photos and videos that are not useful in the phone's gallery if storage is low. With this, you can get a lot of space. At the same time, photos and videos coming on WhatsApp should be deleted periodically.


Apart from this, iPhone users go to storage and iCloud by going to settings to increase the space in their phone. Then go to the main storage and see if the file is not working, delete it.

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